ThiS convo is with SARAH-HELEN !!!!!!!! she rocks .. lol READ THIS CONVO
thecheerio18: oh man im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!
HeY i aM DeNiSe: MEE 222 !!!! you have no idea !!! lol
thecheerio18: OH YES I DO!!!!!!!!
thecheerio18: WHOOOOOHOOOOO!
thecheerio18: LIKE A HUGE ROCK!
HeY i aM DeNiSe: PSHHH, YEAH I AM lol
thecheerio18: THAT ROCKS
thecheerio18: AND ROLLS!
thecheerio18: THAT ROLL
thecheerio18: and rocks!
thecheerio18: SO COOL
HeY i aM DeNiSe: YEAH !!!!
HeY i aM DeNiSe: lol im cracking up
thecheerio18: ME TOO!
thecheerio18: omg that freakin amazzzzzzzzzzzzzing
thecheerio18: OK!
thecheerio18: woo im tired from all that yelling!
HeY i aM DeNiSe: SCoRe!!!! me to man
This is a convo w/ my twin lol
oOlilshortchicOo is away at 8:52:34 PM.
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: > > 31. Do you have any pets? yeah, 3 indoor fish, a pond full of other fish, a dog, 4 cats and
2 bunnies>
Auto response from oOlilshortchicOo:
*Watching Beach Volleyball, Walsh and May are Freakin Amazing !!
Schedule (as of now)
1) Odd - Gym - Deppe
Even - Chem -Loh
2) Chem
3) SS Honors - Himelstein
4) French 3 - Stacchini
5) Math - Feeley *
6) Studio in Art - Petras*
7) Lunch*
8) English Honors - Fletcher
* Trying to Change;-)
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: YOU GOT FISH IN THERE NOW?!!?!!?!?!!?!?!!?!!?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: > > scott. a guy on D's bus, lol
> > lawrence. a boy D babysits, lol
oOlilshortchicOo returned at 9:28:18 PM.
oOlilshortchicOo: hahaa
oOlilshortchicOo: its the truth, lol, I dont know any other scotts or lawrences and some I totlly drew a blank and yeah,w
e have fish in there now!!!
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: what r the names?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: what kind?
oOlilshortchicOo: HAHAHAHAHAHA
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: what they look like?
oOlilshortchicOo: They dont have names and I dunno what kind, theyre big and orange, lol maybe big gold fish
oOlilshortchicOo: they used to live in our pond, we gave some to my grandma, but theyre moving up here now and wont have
a pond, so we took them back
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: whoa, shit i gotta name them 4 u
oOlilshortchicOo: haha, one day we'll name them
oOlilshortchicOo: lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: speaking of fish .. PHILLIP THE 7th HAS FIN ROT, i was crying
oOlilshortchicOo: but I dont think I can tell them apart
oOlilshortchicOo: OH NO!
oOlilshortchicOo: That means you dont change the water enough, next time I see you, I'll give you the medicine
oOlilshortchicOo: If you notice it early, it can be helped;-)
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: NOOO i think its the water .. we have horrible water at my house
oOlilshortchicOo: And stopped before it gets too bad
oOlilshortchicOo: Maybe it is!
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: because the stream n shit
oOlilshortchicOo: I bet it is!
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: yeah i no , im so friggen sad
oOlilshortchicOo: Its ph could be too high and whatever
oOlilshortchicOo: :-(
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: i love philly whilly lol
oOlilshortchicOo: lol
oOlilshortchicOo: I'm sorry
oOlilshortchicOo: omg, beach volleyball was freakin amazing
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: oh
oOlilshortchicOo: the US won for the first time ever!!!
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: i dont care, im still feeling bad for phillip
oOlilshortchicOo: May and Walsh are freakin amazing
oOlilshortchicOo: I'm sorry :-(
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: its ok
This is the convo that i was having with april as i was talking to nick, the convo w/ me n nick is tight under this one ...
oOlilshortchicOo: haha, tell him our lingo rubs off on everyone, jordan, my sister, etc, he doesnt need to ask to join
in, lol, and yeah, asking oh yeah and hows that going for you and other twin stuff is totally awesome for him to do! lol,
makes me feel special, I dunno about you =P
oOlilshortchicOo: makes me feel special someone wants to do it, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: haha i told him he is really excited lol
oOlilshortchicOo: WOOT WOOT
oOlilshortchicOo: =P
oOlilshortchicOo: I am so gonna im him, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: dukesfan77: SWEETNESS!!
oOlilshortchicOo: oo, a new word to add to our lingo maybe?
oOlilshortchicOo: Oh, man, thats another one, say man a lot
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: yeah it is
oOlilshortchicOo: haha as soon as you sent that I had sent that to nick
oOlilshortchicOo: oOlilshortchicOo: Yeah it is!
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: WHOAAAA lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: TWIN
oOlilshortchicOo: DUH
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol
oOlilshortchicOo: TWINAGE MAJOR
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: u no it !!
oOlilshortchicOo: I know I know it, but do you know it!?!?!
oOlilshortchicOo: =-O
oOlilshortchicOo: =P
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: YES
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: u tricky girl
oOlilshortchicOo: Thats me, a lil trickster over here
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: i no it, but do u know it ?!? lol
oOlilshortchicOo: YEAH I KNOW IT
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: WHOAAAA
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: deshavoo
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol
oOlilshortchicOo: deja vu*
oOlilshortchicOo: You should know that, its french
oOlilshortchicOo: lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol i like my spelling A LOT better
oOlilshortchicOo: vu is past tense of voir, to see and deja is already I think
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: oh shut up lol
oOlilshortchicOo: =P
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: deshaVOOOOOOO
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: i love it
This convo is with nick, lol i love it !!!
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: whats wrongg
dukesfan77: nothing...
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: liar..
dukesfan77: kinda...
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: so tell me
dukesfan77: no, it'll seem messed up
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: no it wont
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: pleasee tell me
dukesfan77: well sumthings wrong, and i relly wanna do sumthing for u, but i can't.....
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: its ok, and i am the stupid one for putting myself in this place
dukesfan77: .........
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: oh yeah?
dukesfan77: oh yeah, wut?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: idk
dukesfan77: y'd u say "oh yeah"?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: because u did "................."
dukesfan77: so wut does "oh yeah" have n e thing to do with my "..............."?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: its a thing me n ape say lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: we just say "oh yeah?? " a lot
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: idk why
dukesfan77: oh one of those "in" things?
dukesfan77: thats the rest of us r "out", and only u 2 r "in"?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: no no
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: ne1 can b in
dukesfan77: can i be in?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: YES !
dukesfan77: COOL!
dukesfan77: wut do i have to do to be in?
dukesfan77: just say "oh yeah" randomly?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: umm... maybe !! let me confirm w/ my twin. this process will only take a minute or two
dukesfan77: ok
dukesfan77: yay
dukesfan77: hey i gtg for the night, so tell me if my application to be "in" is approved, ok?
dukesfan77: thank you and goodnight
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol ahah
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: WAITT
dukesfan77: ok
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: i got an answer from the twin
dukesfan77: *drum roll*
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: oOlilshortchicOo: haha, tell him our lingo rubs off on everyone, jordan, my sister, etc, he doesnt need
to ask to join in, lol, and yeah, asking oh yeah and hows that going for you and other twin stuff is totally awesome for him
to do! lol, makes me feel special, I dunno about you =P
oOlilshortchicOo: makes me feel special someone wants to do it, lol
dukesfan77: SWEETNESS!!
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: haha u know it
dukesfan77: wut about "how do u feel about that"?
dukesfan77: u said that alot
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: no its "oh yeah? how that going for ya? " or like heres an example: some1 says "im bored"
you say "oh yeah? hows that going for you?" or sumthing lol
dukesfan77: alright
dukesfan77: i can do that
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: awesome !!!!
dukesfan77: yeah i gtg ttyl goodnight
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: ok nightt
dukesfan77 signed off at 10:18:42 PM.
ThiS cOnvo wAs WiT my BuDdy NicK .. thE pEoPle We Were talKiNg aboUt iN thIs coNvo ShALL reMaiN cOnfiDenTiAL
dukesfan77: i seriously don't like him....
miSs qUewTy xO: me either..
miSs qUewTy xO: that jerkl
miSs qUewTy xO: jerk**
dukesfan77: ty for agreeing
dukesfan77: i seriously want to kick his ass
miSs qUewTy xO: ME 2 !!
miSs qUewTy xO: LETS DO IT
miSs qUewTy xO: lol
dukesfan77: but as long as hes her b/f i can't...
miSs qUewTy xO: darn.. why?
dukesfan77: then she'd hate me
miSs qUewTy xO: ohh lol
miSs qUewTy xO: do it SECRETLY
dukesfan77: sure, no 1 would notice 2 6'2" kids fighting...
miSs qUewTy xO: nope.. not in the dark in the middle of the woods on a deserted island!! lol
dukesfan77: hey, ur right
dukesfan77: now all i need is a desert island, and a ay to get him there
miSs qUewTy xO: lol i will make a trail of peanuts for him 2 follow all the way 2 the island ;-)
dukesfan77: that'll work
miSs qUewTy xO: lol heck yeah
dukesfan77: and we would need a fluffy, white cat... all evil masterminds have fluffy, white cats
miSs qUewTy xO: yeah ... now ur thinking like the pros!
dukesfan77: i've seen enough bond movies
dukesfan77: and we need a tiny flying robot...
dukesfan77: just so we have one
dukesfan77: so we can say "hey, we have a tiny flying robot!"
miSs qUewTy xO: YEAHH.. awesomee... lol can i have a pink sumbermine?
dukesfan77: of course! y not?
dukesfan77: and i want a flying unicycle
dukesfan77: with rockets
miSs qUewTy xO: wow.. thats a neato one
dukesfan77: and jet engines
dukesfan77: do we need n e thing else?
dukesfan77: OH!! ninja henchmen, evil masterminds never fight n e 1 them selves
miSs qUewTy xO: YEAHHH... now ur talkingg !!!
dukesfan77: and a space station, with satelite cameras so we can watch
dukesfan77: while in a hot tub, with our ninja henchmen gaurding the doors
dukesfan77: yeah...
miSs qUewTy xO: lol yeah.. the hot tub part is key... lol and have lemonade with the lil unbrellas in it!!!
dukesfan77: exactly
dukesfan77: and when he beats the ninja henchmen (they always lose), we can have the whole island rigged with explosives!
dukesfan77: YES!
miSs qUewTy xO: YEAHHH.. !!!!!!
dukesfan77: u gotta put this in ur profile sumplace...
miSs qUewTy xO: wow u got this evil plan alll figured out.. lol I WILL lol ill put it in my WEB PaGe =)
dukesfan77: we're good
dukesfan77: well that was fun...
dukesfan77: wut shall we do now?
miSs qUewTy xO: lol idk, what u wanna do?
ThiS ConVo iS with RoB.... lOl wE Are TalKIng Bout foOd, yuMmy lol
StareAtTheSun89: wat are you doin
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: just ate a huge sandwhich, lol
StareAtTheSun89: fucken yes
StareAtTheSun89: wat was on it
StareAtTheSun89: i had pizza
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: umm salami, cheese, turkey, roast beef, mayo, tomatoes, n idk what else
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: yeah i had pizza like 2 days ago lol
StareAtTheSun89: thats fucken huge
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: ha i no lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: im soo stuffed
StareAtTheSun89: so proud
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: haha :-)
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol
StareAtTheSun89: i love a girl that can eat
StareAtTheSun89: none of that pussy shit ohhh im not hungry
StareAtTheSun89: fuck that
StareAtTheSun89: eat that shit bitch
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: haha, yeah well i eat soo fuckin much, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: LOL
StareAtTheSun89: yea you kno wat im talkin about
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: yeah i do !!
StareAtTheSun89: lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: so what r u doing 2day?
StareAtTheSun89: fucken 92 pound girls say they arent hungry
StareAtTheSun89: thats fucken garbage
StareAtTheSun89: there hungry
StareAtTheSun89: they kno it
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: damn, yeah thats messed up
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: food is good, eat it
StareAtTheSun89: exaclTY1
StareAtTheSun89: thats the smartest thing ive heard
StareAtTheSun89: foods good eat it
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: haha yeah !! words of wisdom right theree
StareAtTheSun89: good job
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: thank you lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: it will b my motto
StareAtTheSun89: haha
StareAtTheSun89: profile material
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: heck yeah ! im putting it in right now lol
StareAtTheSun89: niceeeeeeee
This CoNvo wAs wIth the TwIN !!!! HECK YEAH
oOlilshortchicOo: ur page is totally done and so is the friends page, about me page and home page, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: awesomee!!!
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: u have a diff. format kinda thing than me
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: i think
oOlilshortchicOo: I know, I oculdn't do the same thing, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: well it like tells u what 2 write in the spots
oOlilshortchicOo: oh..well, I got rid of most of that kind of stuff, but yeah
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: yeah lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: whats ur link?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: is ur home like a diary?
oOlilshortchicOo: yeah
oOlilshortchicOo: Well, I'm gonna do it like that
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: how'd u do that?!? lol
oOlilshortchicOo: I wrote the date
oOlilshortchicOo: lol
oOlilshortchicOo: And wrote some stuff
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: and how did u get the orange box around the friends
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: oh.. lol
oOlilshortchicOo: I made a table
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: u sly one u
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: oh..
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol
oOlilshortchicOo: yeah I am, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: trickster.. lol
oOlilshortchicOo: yeah I am that too, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: whoa..
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: ok im putting this convo in my web page.. do u wanna no why?!?!?
oOlilshortchicOo: Why!??!?!!!
oOlilshortchicOo: HAHA, OK
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: :-)
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: can i have a diary too?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: =P
oOlilshortchicOo: yeah, sure, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: YAY lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: woot im a cop cat !
oOlilshortchicOo: lol, for once ur copying me, lol, I always take ideas from you
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: whoaaaaaa
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: wait
oOlilshortchicOo: so where am I starting this exactly?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: LIKE WHAT?!!?!?!
oOlilshortchicOo: I don't know..I made a web page
oOlilshortchicOo: lol
oOlilshortchicOo: u did that first
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: x Ny ChiCkie xo: i finally found the hot chick and zoolander for the web page lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: i no ..
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: no not there
oOlilshortchicOo: oh, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: oOlilshortchicOo: ur page is totally done and so is the friends page, about me page and home page, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: THATS THE SPOT lol
oOlilshortchicOo: to where? lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: HERE !
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: this VERY SPOT
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: this IM ..
oOlilshortchicOo: u keep changing it by typing more
oOlilshortchicOo: ol
oOlilshortchicOo: Where on the im am I ending the convo?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: the last im
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol lets say right now
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: or now ... lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: IM EVIL
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: that one, include that.. i seem funny..
oOlilshortchicOo: loser
oOlilshortchicOo: lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: or just stupid.. lol so maybe dont put that in
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: yeahh keep it..
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: what the hey
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: lol
oOlilshortchicOo: haha, what the hey, I like it
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: me 2 ! !!
oOlilshortchicOo: Better than snap crackle pop, huh?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: deff.
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: a lot better
oOlilshortchicOo: damn it (in our accent way of sayin it) ! Why can't I say anything cool.
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: i dont know, maybe because i am the trendy twin ..
oOlilshortchicOo: Why can't that be me!?!? :-(
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: BECAUSE, its me.. and ur the smart / funny / short / cool twin
oOlilshortchicOo: must you mention short? And I think you're definitely cooler than me and funnier too
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: ugh.. ok how bout im the trendy twin, and you my twin .. you are the smart twin with the best face making
skills i ever saw
oOlilshortchicOo: Yes, FACE MAKING! My specialty!
oOlilshortchicOo: ur also the crafty half of us, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: haha only crafty in some areas, you got the other areas
oOlilshortchicOo: such as?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: writing, and uh... that art class u took, like that grafetti, i could never do that !!
oOlilshortchicOo: writing my ass, lol, and I bet u could do that graffitti stuff if u tried
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: i dont wanny try !!!!!!!!!! lol
oOlilshortchicOo: b/c u know u'd be awesome and beat me in it, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: nooo
oOlilshortchicOo: yeah
ox Ny ChiCkie xo: ugh u killed it
Me and April, being very stupid !!
oOlilshortchicOo (6:49:09 PM): yo loser, whats up my homie swim cap wearing dawg?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (6:49:28 PM): nothinggg girl, chilling like whoaa bitcchhh
oOlilshortchicOo (6:49:56 PM): chilling in your getto fabolus swim cap I presume?
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (6:50:12 PM): you know it !
oOlilshortchicOo (6:50:45 PM): no doubt
oOlilshortchicOo (6:51:31 PM): haha, that was fun
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (6:52:54 PM): yeahh
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (6:52:56 PM): funner than u can imagine !
Me and april, talking about swim team/volley ball
oOlilshortchicOo (9:24:27 PM): I'm gonna die tomorrow all over again until we start to actually use the ball, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (9:24:38 PM): ill die the whole friggen time
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (9:24:43 PM): idk if i can do it lol
oOlilshortchicOo (9:24:48 PM): I think you can
oOlilshortchicOo (9:24:55 PM): Remember the little engine that could
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (9:24:58 PM): haha
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (9:24:59 PM): lol yeah
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (9:25:07 PM): but april im not an engine im a person
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (9:25:11 PM): that is gunna die
oOlilshortchicOo (9:25:28 PM): No, you're not dying on me yet!
oOlilshortchicOo (9:25:37 PM): Give it 80 some odd years, lol
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (9:25:54 PM): yeah lol
oOlilshortchicOo (9:26:22 PM): No dying yet
ox Ny ChiCkie xo (9:26:27 PM): i hope so