HeyY !! ok so wow, today we had no school, which totally rocked...
it was so much fun, lol i was a deformed fetus.. lol and sarah was an old lady, christine was a bead lady, and april was
joe. lol that was hilarious!
then we ran outside n played frizbee, and wrestled n shit. it was awesome. my house has leaves all over, so it sucks ..
i gotta clean it b4 my mom comes homme
oh man, halloween sucked ass.. it was about the worst night in the history of my life. too much drama. oh well, everything
is good now!!
yeah so idk, i guess im gunna go eat sumthing.. lol all i had all day was candy, cereal, and chips ..
HeYy .. yeah so idk im at april's house
.. chillen like whOaAa !! she is so cool . we went 2 the hometown buffet tonight.. let me tell you, we ate so much FOOD. Then
we came to her house, wrestleddddd like crazyy man.
-- My favorite quote .. " jesus love you .. everyone else thinks
your an asshole " HHAHAHAHAHA
yeah so idk man .. im gunna go like whoa. <3 MeeE
Yeah so i had swimming this morning from 9-1130 again. Serena picked me up, lol and i drove home from carry rd. to my house
!! There was a stupid ass truck driver behind me that was riding my ass when i was doing the speed limit, so i hadda go faster.
Then i went too fast lol, speeding already .. sheesh, lol. My car goes fast like that though, idk why. Going into my drive
way is tricky, oh man .. lol
I also had 2 read that stupid annoying friggen summer reading book, and then i passed out 4 two hours
So yeah than i was listening 2 music and singing really load and dancing around my room, it was fun ! Released some stress.
Also went driving w/ my mom again. It was fun, didnt mess up :)
Now, i am boreddd.. lol nothing to do, and no1 online to talk too. Wow i have no life, ehh oh well. I got my scedual in
the mail today, this is it ...
1. Gym --days 1,3,5-- Deppe
1. PS Chem --days 2,4,6-- Loh
2. PS Chem --Loh
3. Social Studies Honors --Himelstein
4. French --Stacchini
5. Adv. Ceramics -- Bogumil
6. Lunch
7. Math 2 -- Duffy
8. English Honors -- Fletcher
* i may drop out of honors though, idk
Whoo Hoo, today was the girls swim team car wash (from 9-4) at John Jay YEAH we raised some money yo ! Washing cars all day,
and then me and christina stood by the road holding some signs in our bikini tops and shorts, lol .. wow, so many guys honked/waved/yelled
through the window/gave thumbs up to us, lol. All of us girls got many people to come to the car wash! ;) . It was a fun time,
and i got tan ! lol haha .. The car wash is also next weekend (if it doesnt rain) at John Jay, -- saturday and sunday from
9-4. Everyone should come and get a car washed, only $5 !!!
-After the car wash i went 2 Rob's house, that was fun. lol
-YAY apirl is working at ski haus with me ! Its offical, lol we worked together on the 21st. hehe
11/02/2004 11:09PM
Last updated on 11/2/2004, 11:09:18 PM